St John's College M.3 (James 386)

Roman Catholic theological questions. Latin and Portuguese, c. 1600


Catholic controversial questions, some of them founded on the works of St Thomas Aquinas, in an unidentified hand, c. 1600. The contents are:

  1. 'Quaestio 23 De charitate secundum se sumpta' (fo. 12r)
  2. 'Quaestio 30' (fo. 60v)
  3. 'De Indulgentiis' (fo. 94r)
  4. 'De Horis Canonicis A. P. Ferdinando Perez, Anno domini 1568' (fo. 108r)
  5. 'De absolutione excomunicationis' (fo. 128r)
  6. 'De Ieiunio' (fo. 134v)
  7. 'De Bulla caenae Domini' (fo. 145r)
  8. 'De Poenitentia Sacramento Anno 1578' (fo. 162r)
  9. 'De Verbo blasphemia' (fo. 249r)
  10. 'De diebus festis' (fo. 257r)
  11. 'De irregularitate' (fo. 268r)
  12. 'Questio 31 De Beneficientia et Eleemosyna' (fo. 275r)
  13. 'De correptione (sic) fraterna et iudiciaria a patre Ferdinando Perez' (fo. 296r)
  14. 'De benficiis ecclesiasticis' (fo. 319r)
  15. 'De Bello' (fo. 341r)
  16. 'De transgressione Praecepti' (fo. 352r)
  17. 'De Sacramento Confirmationis' (fo. 365r)
  18. 'De ordine quaestio 34' (fo. 375v)
  19. 'De Extrema Unctione' (fo. 388r)
  20. 'Non nullorum casuum resolutiones' (fo. 393v)
  21. 'Como o Papa Gregorio 13 declarou que os que por virtude de alun' Iubeleo erao absoltos ...', and further extracts from Papal decrees and other sources re jubilees. Portuguese and Latin. The dated items 1576-83.
  22. 'Responsiones Patris Ferdinandi Peres ad quaestiones factas in Brasilica regione' (fo. 408r)
Manuscript extra information

220x160 mm. 479 fos (3v-11v and 435r-479v blank). Table of contents at fo. 2. College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover. Formerly classified as A.6.21 (cancelled inscription inside front cover). Presented by Henry, Earl of Southampton ('Hen. C. S.' inside front cover). James, following Cowie, suggests that the 'same amanuensis' (sic) was responsible for MSS M.1-5, and that the contents of M.1, 2, 3 and 5 'seem to have been the subjects of lectures etc. in some Spanish University, and were probably the property of an English Romanist exile'. However, items 21 and 22 suggest a Portuguese origin, and the hands in the five MSS are significantly different. A number pattern on fo. 3r.

A single, small, italic hand, with virtually no correction. The foliation is original, and there is an abortive reverse foliation 1 to 10 in the same hand. Paper. Original limp vellum binding, two pairs of ties now missing. Spine title: 'C. M. S. / Manuscriptum / Quart:'.